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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7 Episode Guides
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Season: 1234567
7x01: Image in the Sand 7x02: Shadows and Symbols 7x03: Afterimage 7x04: Take Me Out to the Holosuite 7x05: Chrysalis 7x06: Treachery, Faith and the Great River 7x07: Once More Unto the Breach 7x08: The Siege of AR-558 7x09: Covenant 7x10: It's Only a Paper Moon 7x11: Prodigal Daughter 7x12: The Emperor's New Cloak 7x13: Field of Fire 7x14: Chimera 7x15: Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang 7x16: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges The Final Chapter 7x17: Penumbra 7x18: Til Death Do Us Part 7x19: Strange Bedfellows 7x20: The Changing Face of Evil 7x21: When It Rains... 7x22: Tacking Into the Wind 7x23: Extreme Measures 7x24: The Dogs of War 7x25/26: What You Leave Behind
Sisko cleaning clams in an alley behind his father's restaurant
  7x01   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Image in the Sand      
Three months after leaving DS9, Sisko is still brooding at his father's restaurant; meanwhile, the Romulans send a contingent to DS9 and Worf is inconsolable.

Arc: Sisko's Purpose (Part 2 of 3)
Level-Up: Kira promoted to Colonel
Episode takes place on Earth
Thoughts: It seems odd that Starfleet would just let Sisko go home during a war because he's sad. It seems even odder that they wouldn't assign a new Starfleet commander to DS9. But, hey, we'll just bolster that suspension of disbelief and try to enjoy this season opener!
Watch Recommendation: This arc sets up the final season and is a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.5


Sisko, in a desert with Jake and Ezri, looking confused at a pencil in his hand
  7x02   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Shadows and Symbols      
Sisko searches for the Orb of the Emissary; Kira goes toe-to-toe with the Romulans after they store weapons on a Bajoran moon;
Worf, Bashir, O'Brien, and Quark embark on a dangerous mission.

Arc: Sisko's Purpose (Part 3 of 3)
Tear of the Prophets 6: Orb of the Emissary, white. (Orb 10 of 9 original orbs)
Watch Recommendation: The closing episode of this arc is very important to the rest of the series. It's a "Must Watch" and the tenth episode in the "Bare Minimum" track.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.4


Ezri and Garak looking at each other
  7x03   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Afterimage      
Ezri has trouble adjusting, while Garak suffers claustrophobic attacks.
Level-Up: Ezri promoted to Lt. J.G.
Watch Recommendation: The show is now taking some time to introduce this new character, so this episode is mostly filler. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 3  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.8


Sisko and Leeta wearing baseball uniforms
  7x04   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Take Me Out to the Holosuite      
The DS9 crew competes in a game of baseball.
Comedy/Lighthearted Episode
Watch Recommendation: If you want to watch a baseball game (and Sisko kinda being a jerk about it), go for it. Otherwise, it's obviously a one-off, so I'm not giving it a recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 3  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 1  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.3


Bashir and three others in Starfleet uniforms discussing treatment for a patient
  7x05   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Chrysalis      
Bashir helps one of his genetically-engineered friends escape her cataleptic state.
This episode is a follow-up for the four genetically-engineered characters we met in DS9 6x09: Statistical Probabilities.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Pretty much the entire episode.
Watch Recommendation: Other than the delight of seeing the genetically-engineered quartet again, this episode isn't that great. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 5  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 3  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.1


O'Brien and Nog talking while performing maintenance on the Promenade
  7x06   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Treachery, Faith and the Great River      
Weyoun 6 wants to defect; O'Brien and Nog navigate the Great Material Continuum.
This episode introduces Weyouns 6 and 7. Weyoun 5 was apparently killed in a suspicious transporter accident.
Nitpickery: The premise for the O'Brien-Nog story line is that Sisko makes an unreasonable demand of the Chief for something that is plainly out of his control, and that never really sat well with me. Also, I morally object to the lack of an Oxford comma in the title.
Watch Recommendation: It's a perfectly cromulent episode, but it doesn't have a lot of impact on the rest of the series. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.2


Worf and Martok listening to Kor tell a story
  7x07   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Once More Unto the Breach      
A mentally-failing Kor seeks glory, but Martok holds a grudge.
Crossover: Kor (TOS)
This is the final appearance of John Colicos as Kor in the Star Trek franchise. He first appeared in the role 31 years prior, in TOS 1x27: Errand of Mercy with the distinction of being the first Klingon to ever appear in Star Trek.
Watch Recommendation: This episode is "Optional" if you want to witness Kor's fate.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Kor's Fate
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.7


Sisko and another officer firing phasers from behind cover a silver lens flare effect
  7x08   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
vice admiral insignia
The Siege of AR-558      
The crew defend a strategic location in this dark tale.
vice admiral insignia
Vice-Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Dark themes: War, combat, grave injury, PTSD.
Watch Recommendation: Deep Space Nine took a different, darker path than other Trek of its time, and this episode in particular was very controversial because of its unflinching portrayal of war. This episode is rated as "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 8.1


Dukat wearing a red arm-band and talking face-to-face with Kira
  7x09   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Covenant      
Kira is abducted by the Pah-wraith cult led by Dukat.
Watch Recommendation: This episode gives some insight into Dukat's final arc, and as such it is "Recommended."
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 4  
Normalized IMDB rating: 3.4


Nog using paper, pencil, and an adding machine as Vic looks over his shoulder approvingly
  7x10   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge It's Only a Paper Moon      
Nog seeks refuge in Vic's holodeck program after his injury.
Dark themes: PTSD
Watch Recommendation: This episode tackles the difficult subject of PTSD, and it's a pretty good follow-up to The Siege of AR-558. I'm rating it "Highly Recommended."
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.4


Ezri standing in her family's home
  7x11   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Prodigal Daughter      
Ezri returns home in this sorta dumb episode.
This episode picks up on the story line from DS9 6x15: Honor Among Thieves.
This episode gets a ⚑ penalty flag because it's so far departed from anything that makes DS9 familiar. The main story is an attempt at character development for Ezri, but it centers around her family back at her home - new characters and a new location that isn't important to us as the audience. And the story is just a little mystery about Ezri's family, again something that isn't important to the audience. The only way they connected it back to a DS9 story was that they picked back up on the Season 6 episode "Honor Among Thieves," which was already a story that was quite far departed from the primary focus of the series. The episode wasn't "bad" per se, it just seems like an episode of an entirely different show.
Watch Recommendation: This episode might have been more important if the show had continued for another 3 or 4 seasons, but as it stands, doing some back story on a new character is a bit of a waste of time - especially in this format that is so separated from the station and everything we're used to. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆ Penalty Flag   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 3  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 2  
Normalized IMDB rating: 2.7


Ezri, clad in all black, standing in a holding cell with Quark and Rom
  7x12   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
terran insignia The Emperor's New Cloak      
Quark and Rom steal a cloaking device to save the Grand Nagus from the mirror universe.
Watch Recommendation: It doesn't really have an impact on the series and it's not great overall, but it is a Mirror Universe episode, so it's an "Optional" watch.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Mirror Universe
SF Debris rating: 4  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 1  
Normalized IMDB rating: 2.7


Ezri aiming a rifle as another Trill looks over her shoulder
  7x13   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Field of Fire      
Ezri summons a former host to help solve murders occurring on DS9.
The former host, Joran, is first introduced in DS9 3x04: Equilibrium
Nitpickery: Worf chides Ezri for putting herself "in danger" by wandering the promenade while there is a killer on the station, but both of the murders at this point happened in the victims' quarters. Ezri is probably safer walking on the promenade than returning to her quarters.
Watch Recommendation: It's another attempt at character development for Ezri. I don't find it particularly important, so... no recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 5  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 3.4


A changeling gesturing out the window as he talks to Odo
  7x14   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Chimera      
Odo meets an annoying Changeling named Laas.
If Laas seems a bit familiar, it's because he's played by J.G. Hertzler, who regularly plays General Martok.
Thoughts: If you needed a reminder that the Founders/Changelings are the bad guys, Laas will happily remind you. The episode tries to make a point about being allowed to exist as one's true self, and there are some good lines, like Quark's explanation about humanoid genetic instincts. Unfortunately, any sympathy we might have felt for Laas is undone by the fact that he goes out of his way to be rude and condescending - and, oh yeah, he also casually commits murder.
Watch Recommendation: Laas is really annoying. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 4  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.8


O'Brien, Bashir, Kasidy, Sisko, Kira, Odo, Ezri, and Nog strolling down the promenade wearing 1960's-style tuxedos, suits, and dresses
  7x15   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang      
The crew hatch a plan to save Vic's lounge from the mob.
Comedy/Lighthearted Episode
Holodeck Episode
Watch Recommendation: I find this one enjoyable, but others only gave it an average rating. It's a one-off that isn't important to DS9's larger story, but I'm marking it "Optional" because of the fun holodeck hijinks.
My rating: ★★★★  Personal Favorite   Watch Recommendation

Holodeck Hijinks
SF Debris rating: 6  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 5  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.7


Bashir and Sloan discussing a hologram of a Romulan official a silver lens flare effect
  7x16   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
vice admiral insignia
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges      
Bashir is mixed up with Section 31 while attending a conference on Romulus.
Section 31
vice admiral insignia
Vice-Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Watch Recommendation: This is the second of three episodes involving Section 31, and it's a pretty good one at that. It's not strictly necessary to the overall DS9 story, but I'm rating it as "Highly Recommended."
My rating: ★★★★  Personal Favorite   Watch Recommendation

Highly Recommended
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.4


The Final Chapter
The Final Chapter of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine consists of nine episodes, with the final episode being feature-length.

Watch Recommendation: I strongly recommend watching all nine of the episodes in this arc, but I'm going to mark 3 as "Bare Minimum", 4 as "Must Watch", and I'm knocking 2 down to "Highly Recommended". Don't rely on story recaps at the start of the episodes, because only the second and third installment has them. The rest of the episodes just pick up where the previous one left off.
Episode Title Watch Recommendation
7x17 1: Penumbra ✔+ Highly Recommended
7x18 2: 'Til Death Do Us Part 🕶 Must Watch
7x19 3: Strange Bedfellows 🕶 Must Watch
7x20 4: The Changing Face of Evil 🕶 Must Watch/Bare Minimum
7x21 5: When It Rains... 🕶 Must Watch/Bare Minimum
7x22 6: Tacking Into the Wind 🕶 Must Watch
7x23 7: Extreme Measures ✔+ Highly Recommended
7x24 8: The Dogs of War 🕶 Must Watch
7x25/26 [FL] 9/10: What You Leave Behind 🕶 Must Watch/Bare Minimum


Ezri tending to a wound on Worf's face
  7x17   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Penumbra      
Ezri goes in search of Worf when he goes missing after a battle in the badlands; Sisko plans to marry Kasidy; Dukat has himself surgically altered for his last big scheme.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 1 of 9)
Watch Recommendation: This is the first episode in the final arc, but if you really want to skip a few of these stories, this one is probably a good candidate. You can get caught up on the main points by watching the recap at the start of the next episode.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Highly Recommended
SF Debris rating: 3  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.3


Winn and Dukat looking tenderly into each other's eyes
  7x18   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge 'Til Death Do Us Part      
Ezri and Worf are interrogated by the Breen; Winn receives a vision telling her to await a "guide," a role which Dukat gladly fills.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 2 of 9)
Watch Recommendation: This episode really starts to set things up for the rest of the final arc, and as such I'm making it a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 5  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.3


Ezri and Worf hanging upside down in a Breen prison cell
  7x19   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Strange Bedfellows      
Ezri and Worf are sentenced to death; the Dominion and Breen negotiate an alliance.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 3 of 9)
With the death of Weyoun 7, Weyoun 8 is introduced in this episode.
Watch Recommendation: This is another important episode for the final chapter. It's rated "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 6  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 9  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.2


Kai Winn looking concerned at a book wrapped in black cloth on her desk, as Dukat watches over her shoulder
  7x20   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge The Changing Face of Evil      
Damar organizes a rebellion; Winn reads forbidden texts.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 4 of 9)
Watch Recommendation: This episode is essential to understanding and appreciating the final arc. It's a "Must Watch" and the 11th of 13 episodes on the "Bare Minimum" list.
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 9  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.4


Garak, Kira, Odo, and Damar discussing strategy in an underground resistance base
  7x21   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge When It Rains...      
Kira, Odo, and Garak aid in Damar's rebellion. Bashir discovers that Odo has the changeling disease. Gowron takes a more active role in the war.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 5 of 9)
Level-Up: Kira given a Starfleet commission with a rank of Commander
At the beginning of the episode when Odo provides Bashir with a sample of "goo", Odo says he'll want it back when he and Kira return from their mission. Could this be a subtle joke about the sample he provided being a certain, special part of him?
Watch Recommendation: This episode is essential to understanding and appreciating the final arc. It's a "Must Watch" and the 12th of 13 episodes on the "Bare Minimum" list.
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: 6  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.9


Gowron discussing battle plans at the head of a conference table surrounded by other Klingons
  7x22   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Tacking Into the Wind      
Gowron leads reckless attacks; Kira and Damar plan to steal a Breen weapon; Odo's condition deteriorates.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 6 of 9)
Spoiler » In this episode, Worf kills Gowron, making this is the final appearance of Robert O'Reilly as Gowron. The character first appeared almost nine years prior, in TNG 4x07: Reunion.
Watch Recommendation: Another good episode with some important developments. It's a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 8.3


Bashir, O'Brien, and Sloan talking
  7x23   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Extreme Measures      
Bashir and O'Brien lure Sloan back to the station to find a cure for Odo.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 7 of 9)
Section 31
Watch Recommendation: This is the third and final "Section 31" episode of the series, so you'll probably want to watch it. But, since it takes the focus off the war and really focuses on this singular plot, part of which doesn't even take place in reality, I'm knocking it down to "Highly Recommended" as a part of this final arc.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Highly Recommended
SF Debris rating: 6  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 5  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.0


Garak, Damar, and Kira hiding in a dark cellar a silver lens flare effect
  7x24   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
admiral insignia
The Dogs of War      
Damar recruits civilians on Cardassia; Zek names his successor.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 8 of 9)
The line has to be drawn here; this far, and no further! - This phrase from Quark's impassioned speech is a tribute to Jean-Luc Picard's nearly identical line from the film Star Trek: First Contact, which was released two and a half years prior to this episode airing.
admiral insignia
Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Watch Recommendation: This episode ties up some more minor story lines and sets things up for the series finale, making it a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★★   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.2


Humans, Bajorans, Klingons, and Romulans standing across a conference table from Founders, Vorta, and Jem'Hadar a silver lens flare effect
  7x25/26  (Feature-Length)   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
admiral insignia
What You Leave Behind      
Winn releases the Pah-wraiths while the Federation launches a final invasion of Cardassia.

Arc: The Final Chapter (Part 9 of 9)
admiral insignia
Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Thoughts: Well, this is it, the big finale, and of course they had to ruin it by opening with a bedroom scene with the Star Trek trademarked "Season 7 Relationship That Nobody Asked For." TNG had Worf and Troi, VOY had Seven and Chakotay, and here we are with Bashir and Ezri. Barf.

Regarding Kai Winn, Spoiler » After everything we've been through with her, is it too dark for me to say that I found her death to be... not satisfying enough?

There is one thing that bothers me greatly about this finale, and I think it's a huge mistake. Spoiler » When Sisko reappears at the very end to say his goodbyes, he talks to Kasidy and he doesn't talk to Jake. From the very first episode of the series, the importance of this father-son relationship has been stressed, especially since Jake lost his mother and Ben had to raise him as a single father. There are entire episodes like The Visitor that focus on the importance of the relationship to both Ben and Jake... and now Ben's just like "Hey Kasidy, I gotta go, tell Jake I said bye forever."
Watch Recommendation: This is the final episode of the series. It's a "Must Watch" and the last episode on the "Bare Minimum" list.
My rating: ★★★★★   Watch Recommendation

Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 10  
Normalized IMDB rating: 8.8


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