Annoying Bashir Moment: Insulting the "natives" with his excitement over "frontier medicine!"
Thoughts: When I first watched this series premiere in 1993, I was skeptical. I was excited for a new Trek show, but this episode was somehow unsettling. Maybe it was the text crawl at the beginning, maybe it was the station commander being a jerk to my hero, Jean-Luc Picard. Anyway, I watched a few more episodes and actually gave up on the series, at the time. Many years later, DS9 has become my definite favorite out of the 90s Star Trek offerings... but I still think the scenes in this episode that are just Sisko communicating with the wormhole aliens with over-exposed lighting and a heartbeat sound were kinda slow and even annoying at times. I think his communication with the prophets could have been portrayed better. Anyway, this episode introduces us to the idea of "nine orbs" sent by the Prophets, Bajor's gods. Eight of the orbs have been taken by the Cardassians, and we'll see a few more of them throughout this show's run, but we'll never see all nine. It almost seems like the orbs were a story concept that never fully came to fruition. Sisko takes this orb back to the station and studies it, but we don't really know what happened to it after that.
Watch Recommendation: For better or for worse, this is the series premiere, giving it a "Must Watch" rating. It is also the first episode on the "Bare Minimum" track.
A Bajoran terrorist, wanted by Cardassia, tests Kira's loyalties. Meanwhile, Garak introduces himself to Bashir.
Crossover: The Duras Sisters (TNG)
Annoying Bashir Moment: Honestly thinking that Garak was after "Federation medical secrets."
Watch Recommendation: This is an average episode, but I always think it's important to watch the first "real" episode after a pilot or season premiere. This often gives you a better idea of what to expect from the show as a whole. Also, this episode gives some more development to Kira Nerys's character, and it introduces the character of Garak, who will become quite a mystery in coming episodes. This is a "Must Watch."
An old enemy of Odo's frames him for murder.
B-plot: Keiko opens a school on the station.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Making someone else fetch a dish for him from a shelf that is two paces away.
Nitpickery: "You know, I've never actually been a teacher, Commander, but it's something I've always thought about doing!" -- sure, that sounds like sufficient qualifications to me!
Watch Recommendation: Character introduction is important, and this one focuses on Odo. For this reason, it is rated as "Recommended."
O'Brien befriends "Tosk", the first visitor from the Gamma Quadrant.
Watch Recommendation: Another self-contained episode where we meet two new species from the Gamma Quadrant and then never see either of them again. No recommendation.
Q causes mischief, Vash and Quark hold an auction, and the station hurtles toward disaster.
It's a Q episode! In fact, it's the only Q episode in this series!
Crossover: Vash (TNG)
Vash appears in two episodes of The Next Generation, TNG 3x19: Captain's Holiday and TNG 4x20: Qpid. In the second episode, Vash first embarks on her journey with Q.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Trying to flirt by talking about Starfleet Medical final exams. Thank goodness Q made Bashir go to bed for most of this episode.
Watch Recommendation: It doesn't provide any important developments to the characters or show as a whole, but if you want to see Q and Vash, go for it.
One of Dax's previous hosts is the prime suspect in a 30-year-old murder case.
Courtroom episode
Annoying Bashir Moment: Trying to be a hero instead of calling for security the moment he saw Jadzia was in trouble.
Nitpickery: That salt-in-water analogy is really stupid. TANDRO: "inseparable!" SISKO: "but when you separate them..."
Watch Recommendation: As the name suggests, this episode is focused on Dax. For the sake of character development, this episode is rated as "Recommended."
An alien criminal appears to be dead, but his jailer isn't convinced. Meanwhile, a new Starfleet security officer is concerned about Odo's preparations for a valuable shipment.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Being overly proud of himself in the teaser.
Thoughts: I really don't care for this episode, and I'm sorry for saying so, but this isn't exactly Emmy-winning acting from Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir). Spoiler » In fact, they had Siddig re-record all of his lines for the scenes where he was playing Vantika, so they didn't much care for his first performance, and what we ended up getting was... supposedly better? The best part of this episode is when Sisko shoots Bashir.
Watch Recommendation: Dubious performances aside, it's another self-contained episode with no real impact on the rest of the series. No recommendation.
A visiting delegation from the Gamma Quadrant plays games -- literally -- with the crew.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Yelling like an idiot to "wake himself up."
Thoughts: A lot of people thought this was a terrible episode. I didn't seem to hate it as much as everyone else. Sure, this episode is about as entertaining as a klon peag, but I'd still place this episode one shap above some much worse episodes in this series. Allamaraine!
Watch Recommendation: It's silly, and it introduces another new race that we'll never see again in this series. No recommendation.
Quark becomes the new Grand Nagus, and a target for assassination.
B-plot: Jake and Nog decide to stay friends despite their parents' objections.
Watch Recommendation: The "Grand Nagus" is introduced for the first time and is a recurring character. For that reason, this episode is rated as "Recommended."
A criminal says he has information about Odo's people and wants to trade it for his freedom.
Watch Recommendation: This episode makes you think it's going to give you some clues to Odo's origin, but ultimately it doesn't, and we'll never see this new species again, so I'm not giving it a recommendation.
A runabout carrying Kai Opaka crash-lands on a planet where the inhabitants are in a constant state of war.
Watch Recommendation: Little bit of a spoiler: this is the last time we see Opaka in the flesh. If you want to know why, give it a watch, but ultimately her disappearance doesn't have much of an impact on the series, other than clearing the way for a new Kai to be elected.
O'Brien has to tell a stupid story to keep the evil cloud away.
B-plot: Jake and Nog befriend a young Bajoran leader who is having a dispute with a neighboring village.
Once upon a time, there was a Dal'Rok... - O'Brien, stupidly.
Watch Recommendation: It's bad. If you want to watch something bad, go for it.
Kira must convince a stubborn man to evacuate his home on one of Bajor's moons.
B-plot: Jake and Nog make some dubious trades to try and earn some profit.
Thoughts: I really thought the interaction between Kira and the old man was endearing, and that the episode provided important character development for Kira as she questioned her new role after the occupation. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars, but it apparently was not liked based on others' ratings!
Watch Recommendation: I'm not attaching a recommendation to this one because my high rating seems to go against the grain. If you want to watch it, maybe you can decide for yourself!
A strange probe starts causing malfunctions on board the station while Bashir is assigned to shepherd a delegation of Federation ambassadors, one of whom, Lwaxana Troi, takes an interest in Odo.
Crossover: Lwaxana Troi (TNG)
Lwaxana Troi appears in 6 episodes of The Next Generation and 3 episodes of Deep Space Nine. Her first appearance is in TNG 1x11: Haven.
Watch Recommendation: I almost took away the "Recommended" rating on this one, but I left it there because it does introduce the relationship between Odo and Lwaxana Troi. Yes, you read that right, Deanna Troi's mother is in this episode, and a few more episodes after this one, too.
Under alien control, the crew play out the roles of two factions bent on mutual destruction.
You know what they say — put the shoe on the right foot first, but put the left foot first into the bathtub. - Dax
In a cheap mini-cliffhanger to bookend a commercial break, Odo suffers some sort of seizure and collapses. The reason is never explained, and it doesn't have anything to do with the episode's story.
Watch Recommendation: I gave this episode an extra ½ star because I think it's just a touch above average, despite what others have rated it. It's a classic sort of TNG "thing of the week" episode that doesn't have an impact on the rest of the series, so I'm not giving this a recommendation.
Thoughts: What really makes this episode so good is not action or explosions, it's the interaction between Kira and Marritza, and the delightful acting of special guest star Harris Yulin.
Watch Recommendation: Not only is this an excellent episode, but it shows us the beginning of an important attitude change for Kira Nerys. Thus, this is easily a "Must Watch."
A rift forms between Bajor and the Federation when the religious Vedek Winn questions Keiko O'Brien's secular teachings in the station's school.
Watch Recommendation: This episode gives us insight into Vedek Winn Adami, who will have an important role to play in the coming seasons. It's also the first season's finale, giving this episode a rating of "Must Watch." It's also the second episode to be on the "Bare Minimum" list, after the series premiere.
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