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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 6 Episode Guides
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Full Episode List
Season: 1234567
6x01: A Time to Stand 6x02: Rocks and Shoals 6x03: Sons and Daughters 6x04: Behind the Lines 6x05: Favor the Bold 6x06: Sacrifice of Angels 🥉 6x07: You Are Cordially Invited 6x08: Resurrection 6x09: Statistical Probabilities 6x10: The Magnificent Ferengi 6x11: Waltz 6x12: Who Mourns for Morn? 6x13: Far Beyond the Stars 🏅 6x14: One Little Ship 6x15: Honor Among Thieves 6x16: Change of Heart 6x17: Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night 6x18: Inquisition 6x19: In the Pale Moonlight 🥇 6x20: His Way 6x21: The Reckoning 6x22: Valiant 6x23: Profit and Lace 💩 6x24: Time's Orphan 6x25: The Sound of Her Voice 6x26: Tears of the Prophets
Dukat sitting with his fingers interlaced behind Sisko's desk
  6x01   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge A Time to Stand      
Tensions flare as DS9's new leadership settles in. Sisko takes a captured Jem'Hadar ship behind enemy lines.

Arc: Dominion Invasion / DS9 Occupation (Part 3 of 8)
The Jem'Hadar ship used by Sisko in this episode and the next one is the ship he salvaged in DS9 5x02: The Ship.
Nitpickery: Towards the end of the episode, I find the "high stakes/ticking clock" scene where the crew has to escape before a bomb goes off to be a little annoying. They make such a point to explain that they have to be 900 kilometers away, and that they don't stand a chance of survival being stuck so close to the explosion. They have to time a daring escape down to the tenth of a second to get it perfectly right. Then, noting that there's 22 seconds left before detonation, Nog says "plenty of time" which doesn't make any sense at all. Plenty of time for what? To wait? Oh, but after all that, the bomb goes off early, so their plan doesn't work and everyone dies. Oh, wait, they all survive. The bomb goes off, and the gang has at least seven full seconds to react, state the obvious ("It must have gone off early!"), and engage the engines.
Watch Recommendation: This is a season premiere and part of an important arc, so this is a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.9


Sisko, Bashir, and several Jem'Hadar looking over an injured Vorta
  6x02   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Rocks and Shoals      
Sisko crashes the ship and negotiates with an injured Vorta. Kira begins to question Bajor's non-aggression pact with the Dominion.

Arc: Dominion Invasion / DS9 Occupation (Part 4 of 8)
🔗 Nog's reluctance to turn his back on Garak is a result of the events of DS9 5x24: Empok Nor.
Watch Recommendation: This episode is part of an important arc, but isn't as essential as the others. Still, it is "Recommended."
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 9  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 5  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.9


Worf holding a young Klingon at bay with a blade
  6x03   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Sons and Daughters      
To Worf's surprise, his son Alexander joins the Rotarran. Ziyal returns to DS9 and tries to bridge the gap between her father and Kira.

Arc: Dominion Invasion / DS9 Occupation (Part 5 of 8)
Alexander was born in 2366, making him eight years old in this episode. Apparently Klingons mature much more quickly than humans!
Worf's son, Alexander, first appears in TNG 4x07: Reunion. After that, he appears in 7 more TNG episodes and 4 episodes of DS9.
Watch Recommendation: This is probably the weakest episode of this arc, but since it's still part of the story, it's "Recommended."
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 3  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 5  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.3


Odo and the female changeling beginning to link a silver lens flare effect
  6x04   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
vice admiral insignia
Behind the Lines      
The female changeling distracts Odo while others try to stop the minefield from being dismantled.

Arc: Dominion Invasion / DS9 Occupation (Part 6 of 8)
I didn't order any fruit. - Kira, within earshot of the Jem'Hadar, to a flummoxed Rom, who wanted her to play along with the fruit basket being the reason for his visit so the Jem'Hadar wouldn't be suspicious.
vice admiral insignia
Vice-Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Watch Recommendation: The next three episodes are essential watching.
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 6  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.2


Sisko and Admiral Ross staring eye-to-eye in front of a computer screen depicting a plan to retake DS9
  6x05   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Favor the Bold      
Things seem desperate on DS9 as the minefield starts to come down.

Arc: Dominion Invasion / DS9 Occupation (Part 7 of 8)
Level-Up: Nog promoted to Ensign
Watch Recommendation: The last 3 episodes of this arc are rated "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 6  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 9  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.9


Hundreds of Starfleet ships all headed in the same direction a silver lens flare effect
  6x06   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
admiral insignia
Sacrifice of Angels      
Starfleet launches an assault to retake DS9.

Arc: Dominion Invasion / DS9 Occupation (Part 8 of 8)
admiral insignia
Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Watch Recommendation: This is the last episode in an important arc, making it a "Must Watch" episode, and the sixth episode in the "Bare Minimum" track.
My rating: ★★★★★  🥉 3rd place episode of the series   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 9  
Normalized IMDB rating: 9.1


Worf and Jadzia wearing crowns and red clothing starring into each other's eyes
  6x07   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge You Are Cordially Invited      
Worf and Dax get married.
Watch Recommendation: Everyone loves a good wedding episode, right? This is rated "Optional" if you want to see the marriage of Worf and Jadzia.
My rating: ★★★★ Personal Favorite   Watch Recommendation

Worf & Dax wedding
SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.0


Bareil opening an orb ark while Kira watches from behind
  6x08   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
terran insignia Resurrection      
Mirror-Bareil arrives at DS9 seeking refuge.
The middle one. - Kira, in response to Dax's query about which of Doctor Trag'tok's eyes bothers her.
Watch Recommendation: This is a "Mirror Universe" episode, but it's probably the weakest of them all, and it's not really important to the rest of the series. So, I'm only marking this one as optional.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Mirror Universe
SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 2  
Normalized IMDB rating: 1.2


Two men and two women smiling at Dr. Bashir
  6x09   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Statistical Probabilities      
Bashir helps a group of eccentric, genetically-engineered humans.
Besides, it's not as if we're trying to exclude them from anything. We're just talking about limiting what they're allowed to do. - O'Brien ... uh, in other words... excluding them?
Watch Recommendation: Scores seem to differ greatly for this one, but I think the group of augmented humans introduced in this episode are great characters. I'm recommending this one, because it also provides some insight into the Dominion and Cardassia.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 9  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 4  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.5


Six Ferengi in a circle staring down directly into the camera
  6x10   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge The Magnificent Ferengi      
Quark leads a team of Ferengi to rescue his mother from the Dominion.
The Vorta, Keevan, was captured by Starfleet in DS9 6x02: Rocks and Shoals.
Watch Recommendation: As with most Ferengi episodes, I'm not providing a recommendation. Missing this won't affect your enjoyment of the rest of the series.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.9


Dukat and Sisko sharing a meal in a cave a silver lens flare effect
  6x11   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
vice admiral insignia
Sisko is injured and trapped on a planet with an unstable Dukat.
vice admiral insignia
Vice-Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Watch Recommendation: This is a pretty good episode with important interaction between Sisko and Dukat that shouldn't be missed. I'm rating it "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 1  
Normalized IMDB rating: 6.2


Quark giving a eulogy for Morn in his bar
  6x12   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Who Mourns for Morn?      
Morn dies in a shuttle accident and leaves his entire estate to Quark.
At the memorial service in the bar, Quark escorts a Bajoran man to Morn's old bar stool to "keep it warm for Morn." The Bajoran man is played by Mark Allen Shepherd, who regularly plays Morn in 91 appearances in the series.
Watch Recommendation: Eh, it's inconsequential. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 5  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.7


Sisko delivering an impassioned speech a purple lens flare effect
  6x13   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Far Beyond the Stars      
In a vision from the Prophets, Sisko becomes a 1950s sci-fi writer.
Thoughts: This episode is definitely a step out of the norm for DS9, and it might even be considered a bit risky for the show to have taken on, but I think they handled it masterfully. It pays homage to science-fiction writers of the 1950s, who paved the way for shows like Star Trek to become a reality, but it also provides poignant commentary on the inequalities experienced by women and people of color in that time. It's a delight to see our beloved characters without their alien prosthetics and makeup (also hinted at when Pabst says, "Some of our readers have been writing in wanting to know what you people look like"), as well as witnessing them playing different, but similar, characters. Dukat and Weyoun still appear as the "bad guys," and there's still a rivalry between Quark (Rossoff) and Odo (Pabst). Finally, without exaggeration, Avery Brooks' performance as Benny Russell having his breakdown literally makes me shed a tear every time I watch it.
Watch Recommendation: This an iconic DS9 episode that is definitely not a "typical" episode. It's something special that you really shouldn't miss. It's a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★★  🏅 Very Special Award   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 8  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 8.8


Dax and O'Brien in a runabout with a giant Jem'Hadar soldier outside the window
  6x14   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge One Little Ship      
A miniaturized Runabout is the only hope of taking back the Defiant from the Dominion.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Most of the episode, his only purpose is to ask questions for exposition, make pedestrian jokes, and absentmindedly almost kill himself by sitting down inside a circuit housing. Too bad the Chief stopped him.
Nitpickery: I can't help but roll my eyes at the lazy commercial break cliffhanger where Jadzia just says "If you liked that, you're going to love what's coming up next!" Oh boy, I can't wait to tune back in!
Thoughts: Honey, I shrunk the runabout! There are certainly comedy aspects to this story, which Kira appreciates early in the episode when she giggles at the idea of shrinking people. This silly premise is juxtaposed against the seriousness of the Jem'Hadar threat, which makes the audience a little unsure if they should take the episode seriously or give it some leeway. I ended up giving this a below-average score because I think it could have been executed better - either by leaning into the comedy or dramatic aspects more definitively. This episode introduces a sort of sibling rivalry between the original "Gamma" Jem'Hadar and the new "Alpha" Jem'Hadar bred in the Alpha quadrant specifically to tackle the challenges of the new front, but this distinction would never be mentioned ever again in the series.
Watch Recommendation: This one is just silly and has no consequences on the rest of the series. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.7


O'Brien in civilian clothing watching as another man holds a Klingon rifle
  6x15   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Honor Among Thieves      
O'Brien works undercover to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate.
Thoughts: This episode is... odd. The premise here is that Starfleet Intelligence had to tap someone outside their organization - in this case, O'Brien - because another unknown Starfleet officer leaked the identities of their usual operatives. So, O'Brien goes undercover to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate to find the identity of this unknown officer. It's believable enough, but it just starts in the middle of the story and it doesn't really tie it back to the usual story line quite well enough. The only real connection to DS9 is that it turns out the Dominion is pulling some of the Orion Syndicate's strings, but even then, their plan to assassinate a low-level Klingon ambassador is thwarted, so in the end, this episode doesn't really matter. For those reasons, I rated it as below average.
Watch Recommendation: This episode is such a weird one-off, you can easily skip it without missing anything in the larger story. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 5  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 4  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.0


Worf tending to an injured Dax in a dense forest
  6x16   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Change of Heart      
Worf must choose between completing a vital mission or saving his wife.
B-plot: O'Brien and Bashir team up to try beating Quark at a game of tongo.
Worf's RAP Sheet: Dereliction of duty
Thoughts: There just isn't much in the way of plot development in this episode. Nothing comes of O'Brien and Bashir's tango game with Quark, and that B-plot just ends in the middle of the episode. The rest is just Worf and Dax traipsing through the jungle. It's actually a little exhausting.
Nitpickery: The Cardassian defector is able to transmit "thorough" information about how to rescue him, but he withholds the vital information that "could have saved millions of lives," using it as a bargaining chip to ensure his rescue. I suppose it's not technically a plot hole, but it does seem awfully selfish of him to withhold such vital information and risk dying before it can be communicated, which is exactly what happened.
Watch Recommendation: It's a below-average episode with not much impact on the rest of the series. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 3  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.6


Kira looking concerned at another Bajoran woman
  6x17   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night      
Kira travels back in time to find out what happened between Dukat and her mother.
Time Travel Episode
Thoughts: There's one thing missing from this episode that it desperately needed: some serious comeuppance for Bosso.
Watch Recommendation: It's an okay episode, but it doesn't have much impact on the rest of the series. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 4  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 3.8


Bashir walking away as another Starfleet officer yells at him
  6x18   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Inquisition      
Internal Affairs arrives on DS9 and accuses Bashir of being a spy.
This is the first appearance of Section 31 in the Star Trek franchise
Section 31
Watch Recommendation: Since this is the first appearance of Section 31 in the franchise, it's a "Must Watch."
My rating: ★★★★ Personal Favorite   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.2


Sisko sitting on a couch, looking sternly directly into the camera a silver lens flare effect
  6x19   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge
admiral insignia
In the Pale Moonlight      
Sisko compromises his morals to bring the Romulans into the war.
Notable Cinematography: Sisko's soliloquy addressing the camera.
This episode is the origin of the "It's A Fake" meme.




A Romulan holding a blue rod in his fist yelling, IT'S A FAKE!
admiral insignia
Admiral Pips: Pips are awarded to episodes that are the most stand-out, representative examples of the series as a whole.
Thoughts: If you were to ask me, "What is Deep Space Nine?" and I could only choose one episode to answer you, it would be this episode. It's a strong example of what made DS9 unique, including the primary reason some Star Trek fans didn't care for this series: its darker storytelling which doesn't present humanity in the idealistic, utopian light originally imagined by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.
Nitpickery: Captain Sisko threatens Grathon Tolar, the man who forged the holo-recording, but his threat is poorly timed. Sisko says he'll send Tolar back to the Klingons if his forgery is not accepted as genuine, but the program has already been saved to the single-use data rod and can no longer be edited. If Sisko truly wanted to motivate Tolar to do his best work, he should have made the threat before the program was finalized, while Tolar still had the opportunity to make additional edits to ensure its acceptance as genuine.
Watch Recommendation: As the best of the most representative episodes of the series, this episode is a "Must Watch" and the eighth episode in the "Bare Minimum" track.
My rating: ★★★★★  🥇 1st place episode of the series   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: 10  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 8  
Normalized IMDB rating: 10.0


Vic and Odo wearing tuxedos
  6x20   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge His Way      
Julian introduces his new holo-program: a 1960s Vegas lounge singer named Vic Fontaine. Odo talks to Vic about his feelings for Kira.
Vic says that it took him an hour to get rid of the Russian accent from Kira's hologram. This is a humorous reference to DS9 4x10: Our Man Bashir.
Watch Recommendation: This episode is rated "Optional" if you want to see Vic Fontaine's first appearance, and you want to sit through several musical numbers.
My rating: ★★☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

Vic Fontaine's Origin
SF Debris rating: 4  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.5


Kira standing in the threshold of the Bajoran shrine with sparks emitting from her hands
  6x21   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge The Reckoning      
The discovery of an ancient tablet leads to the start of the Reckoning.
The tablet was found beneath the lost city of B'hala, which Sisko discovered back in DS9 5x10: Rapture.
Watch Recommendation: I'm not giving this one a recommendation, but it does seem to be an unresolved story line. Will the Trek franchise pick it up some day?
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 3  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 3  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.3


Nog, Jake, and a group of cadets being briefed
  6x22   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Valiant      
Jake and Nog are rescued by a group of cadets. Nog joins their "Red Squad" cult.
Thoughts: I can't stand watching this episode. If these are supposed to be the "elite" cadets, then Starfleet is in serious trouble. They are children playing dress-up who clearly don't have any respect for their uniforms. Still, others have rated this episode highly... I just can't for the life of me figure out why. The "Captain" and "First Officer" are banal archetypes of almost-real people. Watters is an overconfident brat who refuses to allow his little power trip to be abrogated, even if it costs the lives of everyone on board. Farris is an obsequious, arrogant stooge who both literally and figuratively has her hair done up too tight. Sheppard actually smiles with glee when he gets to hold a phaser and throw Jake in the brig. Collins is just a sad, nervous little girl pining for home... but I'd be crying, too, if I were a hostage on this ship of the damned. Everyone on this ship seems to have become delusional, mindlessly chanting "Red Squad!" when someone dares mention reality. Even Nog is quickly swept up into this cult mentality.

The one and only person who can see what's going on is Jake, and that's why he gets thrown in the brig. The cult leader certainly can't have any opposition to his grand plan for glory! Even at the end, after everyone died and only Jake, Nog, and Collins manage to escape, Nog and Collins are still willing to sing their cult leader's praises. Nog wraps up the episode with the most idiotic line, "He may have been a hero. He may even have been a great man. But in the end he was a bad captain."

WHAT?! How was THAT supposed to be the moral of this story?! He wasn't a captain! He was a child who was given the responsibility to get his crew home safe, nothing more. Instead, he violated the trust his CO placed in him and essentially commandeered the ship to go on a personal crusade for glory! I'm just not sure what this episode was trying to do. If it was supposed to be a cautionary tale about cult mentality, I think it sorely failed to send that message. Nog's closing line exalts Watters, only barely conceding that he just "wasn't good at his job." The final line of the episode should have been, "I see now that Watters wasn't a hero or a great man. He was a manipulator, preying on the eagerness of others to prove themselves, so that he could fulfill his fantasy of being some sort of revered Starfleet captain. In the end, he betrayed his duty, his uniform, and everyone on that ship who trusted in him."
Watch Recommendation: Even ignoring the fact that I loathe this episode, it is a one-off story with no impact on the rest of the series, so I can safely abstain from providing a recommendation. Ugh.
My rating: ☆☆☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 7  
Normalized IMDB rating: 4.1


Quark appearing resolved while Zek, Rom, and Bashir look at him quizzically
  6x23   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Profit and Lace      
Quark casually changes his sex in this terrible episode.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Directing this terrible episode.
Thoughts: Alexander Siddig, who plays Dr. Bashir, directed this episode under the name Siddig El Fadil. Think you can hide from us with a clever name change, Doctor? Bashir only has three lines in this episode, but he has still managed to annoy the masses! The primary reason this episode was such a failure was because the producers, writers, director, and actors could not get on the same page about whether to treat this as a serious piece or as high farce comedy. As a result, we have a mixed performance that ends up being neither. Some examples include Armin Shimerman (Quark) insisting that his performance be toned down because he thought the way the "comedy" was written was too insulting to women. On the other hand, the scene where Ishka collapses had to be re-shot because the first take was directed in such a way that it was too dark.

The problem of this episode's inability to decide if it's a comedy or a drama led to a much bigger problem with the story. Someone started with the premise that "cross-dressing equals comedy," which somehow progressed to a full sex change, which was treated very casually - and that might have been okay if the episode had leaned into its comedy aspects - but instead, the serious parts of the episode makes one think about the seriousness of the transition, and, for that matter, Dr. Bashir's questionable ethics in his seemingly care-free attitude about granting sex changes on a whim.

Altogether, this episode is just a perfect storm of awfulness.
Watch Recommendation: Don't.
My rating: 0 stars  Red Flag   💩 Worst Episode of the Series   Watch Recommendation

Notably Bad
SF Debris rating: 0  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 0  
Normalized IMDB rating: 1.5


Miles and Keiko O'Brien caring for a primal-looking teenage girl
  6x24   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Time's Orphan      
Molly O'Brien falls through a time portal.
Related B-plot: Worf tries to care for Kirayoshi O'Brien.
Time Travel Episode
Gung, gung, gung!
Thoughts: Wow! A working time portal! This is an amazing find that will surely be a great topic of research for years to co-- what's that? We'll never see it again? Okay.
Watch Recommendation: It's okay, but there's no impact on the rest of the series, so I'm not making a recommendation.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: Unrated  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 6  
Normalized IMDB rating: 2.4


Sisko sitting in front of the United Federation of Planets seal
  6x25   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge The Sound of Her Voice      
The Defiant rushes to rescue a stranded Starfleet captain.
B-plot: Quark tries to distract Odo from discovering an extralegal business transaction he plans to make.
Annoying Bashir Moment: Losing interest in the conversation.
Watch Recommendation: It's a decent story, but it doesn't have any impact on the rest of the series. No recommendation.
My rating: ★★★★   Watch Recommendation

SF Debris rating: 7  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 4  
Normalized IMDB rating: 5.3


A delegation of Humans, Klingons, and Romulans sitting around a conference table
  6x26   Series Episode
Franchise Episode
ds9 combadge Tears of the Prophets      
Sisko leads an invasion of Cardassian territory; Dukat releases a Pah-wraith.

Arc: Sisko's Purpose (Part 1 of 3)
Tear of the Prophets 5: Orb of Contemplation, green. (Unnumbered orb of 9)
This is the first time we've heard of the "Orb of Contemplation" but I suppose it's possible that it's the same orb that we saw in the very first episode. Regardless, there's only one more season to go and this orb idea hasn't turned out to be as mysterious and mystical as it was in that series premiere. It's not like these are Chaos Emeralds or something.
Watch Recommendation: Despite my average rating, this is perhaps the most important season finale. It's a "Must Watch" and the ninth episode on the "Bare Minimum" list.
My rating: ★★★☆☆   Watch Recommendation


Must Watch
Bare Minimum
SF Debris rating: 5  
Ex Astris Scientia rating: 9  
Normalized IMDB rating: 7.2


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